Vast Lives Podcast: Episode 5 - Jeremy Nitta

The Journey of a Trickster

In episode 05 of the Vast Lives Podcast Steve has a chat with Jeremy Nitta, a fascinating person with varied experiences and a strong love for jiu jitsu. Jeremy talks about his path from childhood in Hawaii to achieving success, as a jiu jitsu teacher and owning his school.

Jeremy grew up on Oahu Island enjoying a range of experiences. From skateboarding and surfing to motorcycle tricks and drag races. His passion for thrilling activities eventually drew him to jiu jitsu providing a sense of order to his way of life.

Jeremy explored martial arts styles like MMA and kickboxing in his youth before finding his passion for Jiu Jitsu at 23 years old. His determination and love for the sport drove him to achieve success, in competitions and gain recognition through sponsorships and awards.

Despite encountering injuries and obstacles along the way Jeremys perseverance and resolve enabled him to persist in his training and competitions resultantly paving the path for him to establish his own jiu jitsu academy called Trickster Studio. With his academy Jeremy seeks to impart values of discipline, collaboration and a genuine passion for the sport, to his pupils.

In the years ahead of us lies Jeremy's vision of enlarging his school to welcome a greater number of students and providing extra services such as conditioning and striking classes as well. His main aspiration is to establish a nurturing and embracing setting where individuals can flourish not just on the mats but also, in their personal lives.

Come along on the adventure of Jeremy and his inspiring path marked by dedication to personal development through the practice of jiu jitsu—a journey brimming with passion and resilience.

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Highlights from the Episode

Jeremy Nitta, known for his passion and dedication to jiu-jitsu, shares personal insights and highlights from his journey that showcase his unique approach to life and martial arts. Growing up on Oahu, Jeremy’s love for adrenaline and adventure was evident early on, with interests spanning from skateboarding and surfing to motorcycle stunts. His fondness for speed and thrill-seeking eventually led him to jiu-jitsu, a discipline that provided a structured yet dynamic outlet for his restless energy.

Reflecting on his childhood, Jeremy recounts, "I was always more of the prankster of the group, always playing pranks on everybody... It’s why I took to jiu-jitsu so quick. It’s not about brute force, but setting traps and misdirection, like pulling a prank on the mat.”

This playful yet strategic mindset defines Jeremy's approach both on and off the mats, where he embraces a calculated yet lighthearted style of teaching and competing. Jeremy’s influence extends beyond his technical skills; his students see him as a leader who embodies the true spirit of jiu-jitsu.

As one student put it, "Coach Jeremy, he's reinvigorated my Jiu-Jitsu. I've been training 15 years and when I met him and seen his passion, it got me so motivated. I always want to compete because I know whatever he has taught me has made me a better Jiu-Jitsu fighter."

This deep connection with his students reflects Jeremy’s commitment to fostering a community rooted in mutual respect and shared passion. In the conversation, Jeremy also delves into the parallels between surfing and jiu-jitsu, emphasizing the importance of timing and balance.

“You can't be a spaz in the water or on the mats,” he explains. “It's all about timing—like hitting the right section of a wave or catching your opponent at the perfect moment. No matter how big the wave is, how big your opponent is, timing will make everything just seem effortless.”

Jeremy’s journey hasn’t been without challenges. From injuries sustained during motorcycle stunts to the demands of running his own academy, he has faced numerous obstacles.

Yet, his resilience and adaptability shine through, as he candidly shares his experiences: “I got big into stunting motorcycles… but after a bad crash, I shifted focus. Jiu-jitsu became my structure, my anchor. It’s more than just a sport; it’s a way to channel all that energy positively.”

Today, Trickster Studio stands as a testament to Jeremy’s dedication to jiu-jitsu and personal growth. With nearly 400 students, Jeremy continues to inspire those around him with his unwavering commitment to the craft. His vision for the future includes expanding his academy to offer more classes and services, creating an environment where students can flourish not just in jiu-jitsu but in their personal lives as well.

"I'm living my dream," Jeremy says. "It's all about finding that balance—whether it's on the mat, in the ocean, or in life."

Join Jeremy on his incredible journey of passion, resilience, and personal development through the practice of jiu-jitsu—a journey brimming with challenges, triumphs, and the relentless pursuit of balance both on and off the mats.